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Reset Your PC: This Is How You Do A Clean Boot

There are many reasons to resetting PC. But it is not always really necessary. For example, have you noticed an unusually high number of operating system crashes in a certain period of time or a steadily deteriorating speed? There may also be a virus on the computer that cannot be removed. These things can suggest resetting the operating system again.

However, if only the performance drops and the rest works well, it is often the better alternative to manually uninstall individual programs. Ultimately, this decision depends on the individual initial situation. For example, if your hard drive has become very full over the years, manually dealing with affected programs and files can be very laborious.

If you decide to reinstall your PC, in this article you will find a simple guide to carry out the reinstallation quickly and easily and, above all, so that you don't forget anything important.

The Pros And Cons Of A New Installation

Installing a current Windows system over older versions of Windows is basically child's play. Almost all programs can be used immediately afterwards, even the previously saved content is retained. Problems can still arise because incompatible programs and driver remnants are not always carefully removed, which can lead to errors and crashes during operation. You can avoid such problems by installing a fresh Windows system.

If you have bought a new computer, you will also benefit from a new installation, as this removes the pre-installed software bloatware. However, resetting the PC also has a clear disadvantage. During this process, all programs used are lost and must be reinstalled afterwards. The same applies to personal documents such as photos and videos.

The Data Backup

To prevent loss of your data, be sure to back up your data as a first step. This works, for example, with the help of a backup. It makes sense to do this occasionally anyway in order to be prepared for unforeseen crashes and to secure important data.

Alternatively, you can perform this process manually using an external hard drive or cloud storage solution. Since some things can easily be forgotten due to the large number of files, you can roughly orientate yourself on the following categories in order to actually back up everything:

  • Pictures
  • videos
  • Text files
  • Games and associated saves
  • important programs
  • possibly also browser data
  • Passwords
  • Prepare the installation medium

The prerequisite for a new installation of Windows is the appropriate installation file, for example a Windows DVD or an image, which you then write to a DVD or USB stick. If you don't have a Windows DVD lying around or a drive, you can use the "Windows and Office ISO Downloader" tool, which allows you to easily get images.

It's best to copy this to a USB stick and then use a tool like Rufus. This ensures that you can configure the boot order so that the USB stick is taken into account first. In this way, the computer boots into the Windows installation without any detours and starts the installation wizard, which guides you step by step through the setup.

Reset your PC – This Is How You Do It

First, create a list of installed programs. This saves you time in the later reinstallation process. If you have all the necessary installation media at hand, you can proceed as follows:

  • Open the Settings menu.
  • Now click on the “Update & Security” section.
  • There you select “Recovery”.
  • There should be a “Get Started” button in the “Reset this PC” category. Press it to continue the process.
  • A window will open that gives you the choice to either keep all personal data or delete everything.
  • You can also decide whether you just want to remove the files or also clean up the drive. Although the latter takes longer, it is the better choice when it comes to really cleaning the hard drive.
  • If you have made all the selection options, the system will be reset.
  • After the installation has been completed, you can make all the settings on the PC and adapt it to your needs again.
  • Finally, you transfer individual files to the computer or reinstall an entire backup.

What Needs To Be Taken Into Account 

In principle, resetting PC is not difficult. Just make sure you choose the custom route for a clean reinstall. Otherwise, it can happen that old Windows partitions only receive an update and possibly defective software remains.

Necessary Drivers And Programs 

As soon as the installation wizard has completed its work and the operating system is running again, you can start installing all the necessary programs and drivers. If you followed our tips, you should have a list of these on hand. Go through this list and be sure to always use the latest versions.

Data Recovery 

How exactly data recovery works depends on which method you used to back up your data. If you have backed up the data on an external drive, connect it to your computer and transfer all important documents and files back to the hard drive. Make sure you give everything its proper place.

Configure The Operating System 

To ensure that everything on your computer runs like it used to except the performance, which should be better now, adapt all the settings in the user interface to your needs. In this step you can also install any additional software you need to optimize your computer and make it more secure.


As you can easily see, resetting your PC is not rocket science, but an easy task to carry out and a worthwhile measure for many users. If you follow our easy-to-follow steps, you'll quickly get your PC back to new, smoothly running condition. 

Clearing the drives of unnecessary programs, files and settings significantly optimizes the user experience.Carrying out this process regularly will help extend the lifespan of a PC and avoid problems caused by faulty and outdated software.
