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Spinning – Cycling Under The Microscope

Bicycle lovers and sports enthusiasts don't have to miss out on their favorite activity - cycling - in winter or in bad weather.

Spinning, also known as indoor cycling, offers an optimal alternative to cycling. In some situations, indoor cycling is even better than cycling outside. Spinning offers the trainee some important benefits:

  • Calorie burning – for those who want to lose some weight, indoor cycling is the best alternative to cycling outside
  • general endurance and fitness are improved
  • Spinning strengthens the muscle strength in the legs
  • the blood is better saturated with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in general well-being
  • Indoor cycling is optimal cardiovascular training
  • Spinning is ideal for training your rounded kick (high cadence)
  • no pedal breaks compared to conventional cycling.
  • Indoor cycling as a fat killer

A workout on a stationary bike burns between 600 and 800 calories per hour, making spinning one of the best fat killers out there. However, people who are very overweight should be careful because a spinning workout puts a lot of strain on the circulation and bones. Spinning training usually takes place in a group under the guidance of an experienced spinning trainer. He gives the course participants important tips on their driving style and motivates them during the training session. 

When it comes to spinning, there are five different riding styles that have different intensities:

  • a flat, quiet route
  • Driving off-road (steep)
  • Training in hilly terrain
  • Cycling race
  • Interval training (the most intense training session in this composition).

Depending on the training session, the trainer asks the participants to alternately pedal while standing or sitting. This uses the entire muscles of the lower extremities. The body burns a lot of energy. This comes from constantly changing positions and riding without pedaling breaks. Mentally, this difficult form of training is easier to overcome thanks to group dynamics.

Better Endurance Through Spinning

Whether indoors or outdoors - cycling is excellent endurance training that also trains the cardiovascular system and helps you lose weight. Spinning is also good for your joints and spine because your own weight is supported by the bike. Indoor cycling is an optimal choice for people who have joint problems. However, when spinning you should be careful not to put too much strain on your knee joints. This particularly affects beginners and inexperienced people. It is therefore advisable to initially pedal in smaller gears at a high cadence. Before training really starts, you should warm up thoroughly. This is done through a five to ten minute warm-up phase in which you “cycle” slowly and steadily. At the end a faster pace should be adopted. The main training phase varies depending on the training goal. Both the pace and the resistance vary throughout the training session. A workout is usually divided into individual training blocks; the length of a training block is usually based on the length of the individual music track. On average, this means four to five minutes of exercise, followed by a two-minute recovery phase. You should definitely drink something during the recovery phase because there is no headwind in the room and the water losses sweat can be enormous.

Pay Attention To The Correct Heart Rate

For better training efficiency on a spinning bike, you should use a heart rate monitor during a workout. In order to determine your optimal pulse frequencies, knowledge of your maximum pulse is essential. There are different ways to determine the maximum pulse, the simplest rule is: 220 (men) or 230 (women) minus age. However, this will only give you a rough estimate of your maximum heart rate, but this value is sufficient for fitness purposes. Basic endurance is trained in the pulse range between 60 and 85 percent of the maximum pulse. Depending on your own riding technique and motor skills, you should choose cadence between 80 and 120 revolutions per minute. Spinning beginners should focus on calm cardiovascular training with simple technique exercises that improve basic endurance and promote fat burning.

Customize Bike Settings 

A spinning bike does not have an idle wheel like normal bikes, but it does have a flywheel that enables better power transmission and a smoother movement. But you have to pedal without stopping. In the spinning class, all participants perform at the same rhythm. To make this possible, you should set the appropriate resistance. You always set it individually; it depends on your personal fitness level and training goal. In addition, the following settings are necessary:

1.Saddle height : To make this adjustment, the crank must be placed vertically downwards in the so-called 6 o'clock position. Place your heel on the pedal. If the leg is stretched (the pelvis must not tip to the side), the saddle height is OK.

2.Saddle position: To do this, place the pedals in a horizontal position, with the ball of your foot remaining exactly above the pedal axle. For an ideal saddle position, the kneecap, balls of the feet and pedal axle should be in one line.

3.Handlebar height: In a normal riding position, the handlebars are at the same height as the saddle. If the handlebars are set a little higher, it protects your back.

4.Sitting position: Overall, you should adopt a relaxed posture during training, without stretching your arms. Relax your shoulders and don't tense them up. Keep your upper body as stable as possible by tensing your abdominal muscles.

Tips For Buying An Indoor Bike

There are a few points you should consider when buying a spinning bike. What is particularly important is the braking system, drive, general comfort and adjustment options as well as safety. The braking system on an indoor bike is different from that on a normal bike, as there must be an emergency brake. Instead of a chain drive, you should choose a modern spinning bike with a poly-V belt. This system works silently and is almost maintenance-free. Pay attention to the handlebars - they should be height adjustable, this also applies to the saddle. Several basic positions of the handlebars should be possible. The flywheel plays a crucial role in an indoor bike. For better concentricity, it should be as high as possible. Good spinning bikes are equipped with a heart rate monitor.

Indoor Cycling Variant – Aqua Spinning

Aqua spinning is a special form of indoor cycling. During an aqua spinning course, the wheels are in the water. When cycling, your upper body is above the surface and the water reaches approximately your hips. During a training session, the arms are also challenged, for example by being pulled sideways through the water. Furthermore, in aqua cycling you can pedal in two directions: forward or backward. The training can be quite strenuous because the water resistance also has to be overcome. Aqua spinning is often used for joint problems and as a rehabilitation measure. Your body weight is reduced to around a tenth in the water - this relieves the strain on your joints.

Training Methods In Spinning

For indoor cycling, similar to outdoor cycling training, special training methods have been developed to make training efficient. Training methods for spinning are adapted to the specific conditions of an indoor bike:

1.Sitting Basic (basic training while sitting). This training method improves basic endurance (aerobic performance) and fat metabolism. The cadence here is in the range of 90 to 95 rpm (for professionals even around 100 rpm and more). A slight resistance should be chosen.

2.Sitting cardio (cardio training while sitting). It improves endurance performance and optimizes fat metabolism. Cadence: around 100 rpm, the resistance is slightly higher than with the Sitting Basic.

3.Sitting interval. It promotes the performance of the cardiovascular system and improves maximum oxygen capacity. The lower pedaling frequencies alternate with slightly higher pedaling frequencies of 100 to 110 rpm and more for a certain period of time. After about a minute you should reach this higher training intensity and maintain it for about two minutes. If the high cadence cannot be maintained, you should reduce the resistance. However, the intensity should remain constant. After each interval there is a relaxed break of 5 to 10 minutes.

4.Sitting Climb. The goal is to increase strength endurance. Cadence: 60 to 70 rpm with high pedaling resistance.

5.Standing Climb. The aim is to increase strength endurance and strengthen the upper body muscles. Cadence: 60 to 65 rpm, a high to very high pedaling resistance, pedaling in a rocking position.



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